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Language Services for Airlines

Airlines have multiple touchpoints with their customers, from inspiring people to travel through planning and booking a trip to providing customer service, creating an ideal in-flight experience, and crafting loyalty programs. Passengers come from everywhere, and they want to find their way, in their language, from brands they trust.

Our Solutions

Establish, Grow, and Maximize Your Business Globally

Infotainment Localization

Booking Engine Localization

Having a fully localized booking engine is a key element of the passenger journey to ensure repeat bookings. GlobalLink technology enables seamless integration with nearly all leading CMS, database, and e-commerce platforms.

Website Localization (B)


Das Erstellen, Starten und Optimieren von Websites in mehreren Sprachen ist einfach, schnell und kostengünstig mit unserer GlobalLink-Technologie, die nur minimales Projektmanagement oder IT-Beteiligung erfordert, und Websites können in nur 30 Tagen live gehen.

Customer Support (N)

Callcenter-Support / BPO

Wir bieten eine vollständige Palette von Dienstleistungen und technologiegestützten Lösungen zur Unterstützung von Callcentern auf der ganzen Welt, unabhängig davon, ob Ihr Kundenstamm mehrsprachig ist oder überwiegend eine einzige Sprache spricht.

content creation and management (N)

Erstellung und Verwaltung von Inhalten

Unser Source-to-Source-Prozess kombiniert globalisierte Schreib-, Bearbeitungs- und Inhaltsstrukturierungstechniken mit modernsten Translation-Memory-Tools.

Media (O)

In-Flight Entertainment Localization

Ensure your passengers are entertained throughout their journey with you no matter what language they speak. Our full suite of media solutions cover everything from video production to voiceover and dubbing.

Customer Support (B)


Wir haben eine vollständige Palette von Dienstleistungen und technologiegestützten Lösungen für Contact Center, Dolmetschen per Telefon, Chat und andere Möglichkeiten entwickelt, um mit Kunden auf der ganzen Welt in Kontakt zu treten.

Document Translation (O)

Emergency Response Language

In times of emergencies we can turn around high priority localized content quickly and accurately to ensure your customers and staff are up to date on a global scale.

training & e-learning (B)

Ausbildung &

Unser engagiertes Team für Schulungs- und E-Learning-Lösungen bietet eine Reihe von Dienstleistungen, die Ihnen helfen, die Herausforderungen zu meistern, die mit dem Aufbau und der Maximierung globaler Belegschaften verbunden sind.

Language Training & Assessment (N)

Cabin Crew Language Testing

Stringent testing ensures that the candidates that you bring onboard are linguistically qualified for the job.

Need help?

Frequently asked questions

Yes! With offices in over 100 countries around the globe covering every time zone, we can set up a fast-track request system to turn content around in hours rather than days.

There are many variables at play and we are here to help. With almost three decades of experience across a number of airlines and hundreds of languages, we are able to build out robust forecasting and models to ensure your investment in translation delivers ROI. We look at future travel trends to ensure your strategy is future proofed and set to capitalize on the fastest growing and largest markets where your customers might come from in the future.

It might be. For some types of content, such as blogs and FAQs, machine translation might be sufficient, but not for SEO or booking language, which needs to be very accurate. In many cases a hybrid approach is needed, leveraging machine translation to get more content live while making sure a native-speaking professional linguist with subject-matter expertise is editing and proofreading that content.


Yes, we do! Whether you need to optimize search terms to increase organic rankings for your site or conduct an international paid search/pay-per-click campaign to drive traffic, TransPerfect will help you assess the potential impact of every element of your international campaign.

We have a specialized multicultural marketing division to make sure your airline is making the most out of their global marketing efforts. Whether you need cultural consulting before launching a new brand into international markets, multilingual voice talent for a radio or TV spot, or localization of a viral website, we have all-encompassing solutions that speed workflow timelines and minimize the project management burden on you and your team.




TransPerfect’s MediaNEXT offers a full range of media services, including multilingual voice talent, subtitling, video production, voiceover, and dubbing. With 44 owned and operated studios worldwide, MediaNEXT combines our media creation and localization expertise with state-of-the-art technology.





Our multilingual social media specialists are on hand to work with your marketing team to create on-brand, engaging, shareable content across all social media platforms, taking into account cultural nuances on a language-by-language basis.





Of course. We have a team of creative, multilingual content creators to work with you to create fresh content no matter what market you’re operating in. We can also translate and adapt your existing content to be relevant in all countries.





Our learning solutions division delivers specialized e-learning services that include blended programs, as well as instructor, web, and computer-based training across a broad range of disciplines.

We do! Take a look at our client stories below this FAQ section.

Client Stories

We're proud of the company we keep


Starten Sie Ihre globale Strategie

Wir ermöglichen unseren Kunden, weltweit neue Märkte zu erreichen, indem wir uns mit ihrem Publikum verbinden und das bestmögliche Kundenerlebnis bieten – in jeder Sprache.



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